ST. FRANCIS' PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL Ghatia Azam Khan, Wazirpura, Agra-3
Online Registration link for NURSERY class will be activated only for one day, i.e., on 21st October 2024, from 8:00 a. m to 9:00 p.m.
• Submission of application with supporting documents will be on the given date in the acknowledgement form.
• The child must be above 3 years as on 1 April 2025. Age Limit: Children born between 01.10.2021-31.03.2022
• Filling of the application form does not guarantee admission.
• Attach self-attested photocopy of the following documents
a) Birth Certificate of the child issued by Nagar Mahapalika, registered at the time of birth.
b) In case of Catholics, Birth Certificate & Baptism certificate.
c) Id and Address Proof (Photocopy of anyone of these Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving License, Pan Card, Voter Id of both the parents)
You are requested to bring a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of St. Francis' Pre Primary School, Agra towards the Registration Fee.
Instruction that you must read before you fill in/submit the application
Log on through website
Open the Online Registration Link available on the website which will be activated only for one day, i.e., on 21" October 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Go through the terms and Conditions and then click 'Proceed with Online Registration'.
Fill in the application Form carefully with the details. Once the application is filled in completely, click "Submit" button.
Then click "Download" and take the print out of the Registration Form
After the click: Go to the acknowledgement and Take the Print out of the Registration Acknowledgement Slip also.
Take a printout of the duly filled in Registration Form on A4 size paper (both sides) & attach a recent passport size photograph of the child taken along with parents.
Submit the hard copy of the online Registration Form with the supporting
documents in the school on the given date in the acknowledgement form.
* Selection: The Management of the school reserves the right of admission or rejection and is not bound to give any reason for admission or rejection of any particular candidate.
• No recommendation letters / telephone calls will be entertained.
* Parents whose wards are already studying in the school should attach a photocopy of the (ID Card / Latest Report Card). Siblings staying far away will not be considered.

Online Registration link for LKG class will be activated only for one day, i.e., on 21st October 2024, from 8:00 a. m to 9:00 p.m.
• Submission of application with supporting documents will be on the given date in the acknowledgement form.
• The child must be 4 years as on 31st March 2025.
• Age Limit: Children born between 01.11.2020-31.03.2021
• Filling of the application form does not guarantee admission.
• Attach self-attested photocopy of the following documents
a) Birth Certificate of the child issued by Nagar Mahapalika, registered at the time of birth.
b) In case of Catholics, Birth Certificate & Baptism certificate.
c) Id and Address Proof (Photocopy of anyone of these
License, Pan Card, Voter Id of both the parents)
Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving
You are requested to bring a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of St. Francis' Pre Primary School, Agra towards the Registration Fee.
Instruction that you must read before you fill in/submit the application
Log on through website
Open the Online Registration Link available on the website which will be activated only for one day, i.e., on 21st October 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
 Go through the terms and Conditions and then click 'Proceed with Online Registration'.
Fill in the application Form carefully with the details. Once the application is filled in completely, click "Submit" button.
Then click "Download" and take the print out of the Registration Form
• After the click: Go to the acknowledgement and Take the Print out of the Registration Acknowledgement Slip also.
Take a printout of the duly filled in Registration Form on A4 size paper (both sides) & attach a recent passport size photograph of the child taken along with parents.
Submit the hard copy of the online Registration Form with the supporting documents in the school on the given date in the acknowledgement form.
* Selection: The Management of the school reserves the right of admission or rejection and is not bound to give any reason for admission or rejection of any particular candidate.
• No recommendation letters / telephone calls will be entertained.
* Parents whose wards are already studying in the school should attach a photocopy of the (ID Card / Latest Report Card). Siblings staying far away will not be considered.


For Queries And Help Call or Whatsapp - +917388700533